We are Coltishall & Horstead Preschool
A charity run preschool where children are nurtured and celebrated in a safe and engaging environment.

Wildflowers welcomes all children from the age of two.
We offer 15 & 30 hours funding during term time only.
Open Monday – Friday
9am – 3pm
Sessions can be taken 9-12, 12-3, 9-3.

Wildflowers welcomes all children from the age of two.
We offer 15 & 30 hours funding during term time only.
Open Monday – Friday
9am – 3pm
Sessions can be taken 9-12, 12-3, 9-3.

Wildflowers learning environment is organised and controlled by the children.
They can select the area in which to play, the resources to use and what to do with them. Our outside area is readily available to from the time the children arrive to when they leave.

At Wildflowers the children have the opportunity to create their own purposeful play with high–quality and open ended resources.
Loose parts, natural materials and gross motor equipment is accessible at all times. Not forgetting the artist area which is full of paints, glue and craft objects that can be manipulated to a specific design.

The supportive foundations of Wildflowers due to high–qualified, wonderful staff and nurturing environment encourages Wildflowers children to flourish in their own individual way.
At Wildflowers we believe that children are most engaged and therefore, learn best when they are following their own interests. Free flowing, child-initiated play has an incredibly positive impact on young children’s well-being, making them feel safe and secure and consequently helping them to be fully engaged in their learning.
Wildflowers Allotment
Our allotment is home to our lovely hens, provides a brilliant area to grow fruit and vegetables and has its own digging area.We visit the allotment weekly to check on our crops, collect eggs, have snack and story time with the hens and learn road safety.
Settling In
When starting Wildflowers we offer two, two hour settling in sessions to help the children get comfortable and get to know their key worker.
Our Team
All staff members are trained in paediatric first aid, safeguarding, prevent, food and hygiene
Planning in the Moment
Planning in the moment is all about seizing the moment for children to progress. Based on what the children are already deeply involved in, this way of planning relies on our skilled staff using quality interactions to draw out the children’s knowledge and build on it there and then (In The Moment)